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Writer's pictureShawn-WWJD

Will Power

What does it mean to give up our will and decisions to God? Would I be then suspect of trying to allocate my accountability somewhere else? I think this may be a misconception amongst some out there. Well, Our Daily Bread came to give me a lesson on this very subject.

God gave Adam and Eve everything they ever needed. They only needed the goodness of God and his gifts. But, as we know God had also given them free will. They decided to use their own will power and make decisions based on selfish needs and not the things of God. They had ONE rule. Do not eat from that one single tree. I would have. I know it. I am human and constantly battle selfishness.

God then has to send someone how to use our free will, Jesus. My will should be aligned with what God would have me do. If I decide to do something that glorifies me then I am sinning and I am selfish. I am accountable. God will forgive me but this does not save me from the pain the world may bring to me for my decision.

Give unto Caesar... Jesus is telling us to follow the laws of the land. I can not go to the judge and plead my case that I was not guilty because I gave up my decision making to God. I will pay the criminal and civil penalties if I break the laws of the land.

If I was making decisions that was breaking the law then I am not using my free will as He intended. I am to want to do what God wants me to. I am to use my will to follow Him and not the world.

Have you decided to willfully follow what God asks you to do? Every day I give up my will power in prayer. I say some A.A. prayers that do this. The Lords prayer is a prayer asking for the will of God to be delivered. If we say these prayers every day they will have an impact on us.

Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for not making us a bunch of mindless drones. Thank you for the free will so we may decide to follow you out of our own hearts. Thank you for giving us your love even though we sometimes decide to use our own free will for selfish needs. Please guide us today as we shine for you. I pray this in Jesus name, Amen. Thank you everyone for being here. I love all you guys. WWJD For Life! 🥰


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