I have had the fortune of making a decent amount of money in my life. I have had stacks of Benjamins and no clue what to do with it. I did what the T.V. and culture told me to do. I bought things to make me feel rich.
I always felt very empty after purchasing high dollar items. I always had to convince myself it was the thing to do because everyone else was doing it. I never knew how it would help my cause though.
I aped into stocks and crypto during the Great MOASS (Mother Of All Short Squeezes) in 2020 when Gamestop went to $450. I bought some Doge and $AMC. I began to learn how money was created. God had given me the knowledge to understand what money is.
Through reading the word and other books I have learned all money belongs to God. It is a tool He has given all of us to do what asks us to. We are commanded to prosper. There is no where in the Bible that we are commanded to be poor.
I no longer spend money on frivolous garbage. I do not sit around and eat junk food either. I buy the things that will keep me healthy. I buy things that will help the cause. I have learned what's mine is God's. Everything I own is his.
Do you give to God what is His? My new outlook on money is amazing. I no longer am lost what to do with it. It is for the greater good, yes. But, what God has given me is my tool to use. And, your gifts are yours to use. We are to be individually sovereign and help each other out of love not because the Government tells us to.
Dear Heavenly father, I thank you for the gifts you have given us to use as tools to build your kingdom. Help us to keep our eyes on the prize and not get greedy. Thank you for the Holy Spirit that guides us when making decisions on how to use your gifts. I pray this in Jesus name, Amen. Thank you everyone for being here. I love all you guys. WWJD For Life! 🥰
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