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Writer's pictureShawn-WWJD

Together We Gain

It was late 2009. The Financial crisis was well underway. I had no clue what was going on. All I knew I was usually protected from recessions and such up in Aspen. Now it had reached us. Wages went from $35hr to$15hr. The billionaire owners were bringing people in from California and Texas to work on their homes.

It was bad. I closed down my company and decided to sit back and see what happens. But, before that I flipped out on some contractors in the paint store one morning. I told them if we stuck together we would all prosper. They refused. They continued to bid jobs for not even enough money to live. Killing each other. It was gross.

We had those billionaires by the wallets. They could not fit enough people in the valley to do all of the work. There was no room. We were all divided. We all lost together.

Jesus shows us that together we gain. He told us to stay together and do business with each other. There is enough work for everyone. It is Godless humans that mess it all up with greed and power struggles.

I go to Church and Discipleship groups so I can be with the people I am most aligned with. We learn from each other and know how to hold each other accountable because we live my the exact same moral standards. I think of my family in Christ when I do things. I do not want to be labeled as a hypocrite even though I am a sinner. I am part of a family held to a higher standard.

Do you feel you gain together with your family in Christ? I do at my current congregation. We focus on discipleship and helping others. We feed hundreds from our food bank every week. I love them all.

Dear heavenly Father, thank you for giving us the desire to lift each other up. Thank you for sending your Word to our communities so we may gain together in you. Help us to die to self today so we may live for you. I pray this in Jesus name, Amen.

Thank you everyone for being here. I love all you guys. WWJD For Life! 🥰


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