As most kid, I always thought that being 30 years old was so far away. It was going to take forever to get here. I never thought I would even turn 20 to be honest. I lived in fear that I would die first much make it to 30. It seemed infinitely far away. Then, one day I was 30, 40, and now over 50.
I feel as though I wasted much time. I squandered all that God had given me to succeed. I did not do anything for this world but take. Even giving that dude on the median $5 bucks was for my own ego. I was in no way helping anyone that was around me except maybe my boss at times. I made them money.
I wasted time seeking things of this world. I chased emotion in it's various forms. Women, music, parties, drugs, movies, cars, and clothes. Anything that made me feel good. I was living for me only. How could I love each of you as Jesus loves me?
Once I finally gave up my ego for peace. God put the desire in my heart to Learn how to love others. I still suck at it sometimes but I will not hate anyone anymore ever. I now focus on the good things as I stumble along. Then God lifts me up and I learn a bit more.
Now that I focus on my time. What am I doing with it? Am I sitting around the house watching charts and thinking of money? Or, am I reading the word and trust in God to pump my bags if I have done my due diligence.
If I do what Jesus asked me to do my time is well spent. My bags will be fine no matter what happens. I know that if I focus on others in everything I do I will grow. I have even changed my business tactics. I will no longer build a business based off of things of this world. I will only build something that will help to spread the word and help others. The profits belong to God and not me.
I wish to ask all of you is does it work out when you make decisions all on your own? Does it seem difficult and stressful? Have you put your time and trust in God? Give it a shot, you will be astonished. I promise. I mean God promises. :)
Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for the time you have given us to live out your will. Help us focus on the things of the spirit and not of this World. Teach us how to willingly give our time to you constantly. Let our walk and talk sine your light for those wasting time chasing ego. I pray this in Jesus name, Amen.
Thank you everyone for being here. I love all you guys. WWJD for Life! 🥰