In the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous we get instructions how to live life like a normal person. I think of the Big Book as a warm up to the Bible, Christianity. The rules are the same. Do not be selfish and help others.
In the Fourth Step "We made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves." Imagine how hard it is to write down all of your own faults? The roadmap for the Fourth Step is to write down who done me wrong what, they did to me, how it hurt me, and what was my part in the whole thing.
The biggest thing I noticed was my part. 98% of those people did not do me dirty, I interjected myself in a situation I had no reason to be in. I was usually the cause of my own grief. I used my ago thinking I was supposed to be the fixer. It never ever worked. I saw this pattern when I sat down to write the list out.
I realized that I had nothing to give to any situation without God. I was trying to use my own smarts. My own decisions got me writing that list in the first place. My best decisions landed me in jail and to the bottom of a bottle. My life was a living hell. I gave up trying to assert my dominance, it never worked properly. I began to trust in God and God gave me the Word. the Word is truth and now I can run around spewing facts when the Spirit calls me to. I need to stay in the Light of the Spirit so I can hear Him. Has your assertion into someone else's business ever worked? Mine never did. Now if friends squabble I show each of them love and listen to their gripes. I remind them we are to show love and that division is a tool use by Satan to divide. Individual differences do not really matter. Our feelings do not matter to anyone but Jesus. Dear Heavenly Father, I pray that you will give us each the discernment when to help other people in conflict. Help us show love so it may rub off on them. Guide our hearts and minds so we reject the desire to use our own thoughts to help others. Fill our hearts with your Spirit as we go out today and be a light post for you. I pray this in Jesus name, Amen.
Thank you everyone for being here. I love all you guys. WWJD for Life! 🥰