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Writer's pictureShawn-WWJD

More Conversation is Best

I have noticed a flaw in our social settings. We are trained to not talk about politics or religion at the dinner table. This is a scam from those that wish to destroy the family. This is a deliberate tactic to destroy our fabric of family and community.

How are we supposed to solve problems when the two biggest subjects of our lives can not be discussed? The best solution to confusion is more conversation. That is a fact. To shut everyone up will make us more divided.

Today we need to talk about the things that effect us all. Not just the Christians or the Black, these two subjects control our lives. Some may think that Religion does not control you, but, I will say this to you. Does the war in the Middle East have any affect on us here? Israel is fighting a war of good and evil. One side tries to save humans the other hides behind them and uses them for fodder.

The Unites States supports Israel because we are commanded to. In Genesis 12:3 God speaks to Abraham, "3, I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”

We need to be aware and inform each other of our thoughts. We need to bounce ideas off each other. sure things can get heated, but, if the facts are provided and people are looking for facts then a solution can be found.

Christians are commanded to Vote. We are to be a part of the system. Separation of Church and state are to keep the Government out of the Church not the Church out of the Government. We are the salt of the earth. We are to preserve and add flavor to the world.

Christians are supposed to pay taxes, vote, and speak truth to power. Play by their rules and influence change is our calling. We are not to force change. God will work through us and in due time his Will will be done.

Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for giving us knowledge that we may battle the lies. Help us to be good citizens in our countries to our communities. Let your truth flow through us so we may stalwart the division "they" set upon us. Lord, protect us as we get persecuted and help us to show love to those that hate us. I thank you in Jesus name, Amen.

Thank you @everyone for being here. I love all you guys. WWJD for Life! 🥰

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