Every Tuesday, I attend a life group. Sounds a bit cheesy for sure, but it is more than a Bible study. Bible study can mean studying anything. We focus on one thing: discipleship. Each week, we have a passage that we read, and we discuss what it says to us and how we can use it to draw others to Christ. I sometimes call it my Discipleship Group.
Last night, we read Genesis 1:1-5. In the beginning, God creates the heavens and the earth and forms it. He divides light and dark and calls it day and night. I find myself gleaning over scripture and not putting real thought into it. I must have read that passage a couple of hundred times.
How would I use this scripture to talk to someone about Jesus? I can use these five verses to open the conversation about our creation. Did God create us, or did we Big Bang from a puddle of slime?
What takes more faith? That we were created by an intelligent source that designed us? We are a math problem. Our DNA is the most complex problem out there. DNA never gains a trait, so how does evolution even hold up in any court? We did not evolve from a monkey. Science tells us this. There are no missing links. Don't get me started about dinosaurs.
Do you firmly believe in our Intelligent Creator, God? It took me a lot of watching how the world works to see anything secular, godless, is filled with lies and doomed to fail. Human nature shows me the truth. I know what I am capable of if I have no God. I know what I am able to do with God.
Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for your Word that delivers the truth. Help us to see your message through all of the mess the world is creating to block the Good News. I pray for those who seek to destroy the truth that their hearts will be opened. I thank you in Jesus' name, Amen.
Thank you everyone for being here. I love all you guys. WWJD For Life! 🥰
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