Merry Christmas Eve everyone. On this day roughly 2024 years ago ish we have Wise Men who heard about the coming Messiah and watched the stars for the sign He had arrived. Their sigh was a star. A star is as bright as it gets when you are up close. It is pure light.
The Wise Men's gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh were a prophecy of what the Son of God was to this world. Gold is to signify the King He is. Frankincense tells us of His elite status among us. Myrrh is used for embalming. Who gives a baby something that signifies their death? It was prophecy.
God sent the Light of the World to shine for us. To show us the path. To light our way so we may not falter. It took me a long while to realize this. I am much happier living in the light than hurting myself in the darkness.
No one can lead another when in the dark. I know I searched for solutions inside of myself and never found one. I stumbled around for many years hurting those around me and myself. Even though I thought I was all that I was none of it. I was as lost as the people I was trying to persuade to think like me.
I see the light now. God has been revealed to me. I can not unsee it. The truth has been shown to me plainly. The veil has been lifted from my eyes. I am in the light when I wake up in prayer. It is now my job to live in the light so others will want what I have and that is the Jesus in my heart.
Has the light been revealed to you? It was like one day I woke up and could see. Things made sense. I was no longer confused and lost. I know what my job is now. My path is lit.
Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for lighting our way and showing us the truth. Let our lives be an example of what the Holy Spirit can do for those who seek solutions. I pray this in Jesus name, Amen.
Thank you everyone for being here. I love all you guys. WWJD For Life! 🥰
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