Honesty is always the best policy. A joke comes to mind. "Do I look fat in these jeans?" I am not a married man. I have zero clue how to handle that situation. I would respond with you ARE absolutely beautiful. Is that a lie? Is she overweight and possibly does look fatter in those jeans? Good luck on that one.
Growing up I was a liar. I lied about the dumbest things. Early manhood was a bit better but I was still lying about pointless stuff. sometimes I lied to cover up something I did. Other times it was to make me look good or smart. Not realizing how stupid I looked.
I have learned that it is way easier to tell the truth. I do not have to remember facts. They are facts. If I change the story of a fact then it becomes a fictional writing. Can you remember the small details of a fictional writing? I am not talking to the Tolkien fans out there. lol
It was not hard to tell the truth it was hard knowing the truth. Most everything in this world is a lie. The education system, politics, markets, business, news, I could go on. The world has not listened to God. They are clouded by their own intelligence. People get too smart and God will do something. The Tower of Babel...
Once I let the holy Spirit guide me I began to see the truth. True Christians guided by the Holy Spirit can see through it all. It brings us peace. We have true peace that comes from knowing the truth. We have Honesty in Christ.
The Word of God gives us all of the information we need. The Bible is just that. Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. Trusting in the word we will never go wrong. My life is magical now. I am completely amazed. To quote the famous last words of Timothy Leary on his deathbed with his last breath he said, "Beautiful".
Dear Heavenly father, I thank you for sending Jesus to write the law on our hearts. Thank you for your signs and wonders that speak the truth to us. Help us to walk in the light that the Holy Spirit will fill us and keep us in the truth. Thank you for the gift of peace. I pray this in Jesus name, Amen.
Thank you everyone for being here. I love all you guys. WWJD for Life! 🥰
