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Writer's pictureShawn-WWJD

Feeding the Needy

When I was younger I used to volunteer for stuff. I never knew what I was doing it for. It never occurred to me that I should be doing it for others, I was doing it for the kudos I guess. I was trying to get praises from people.

I would even be rejected by the people I was helping. Some might have seen through my selfishness while most probably did not care. They just wanted food or stuff. I tried helping people who already have, but, do not know who provides it so they are ungrateful. I was that guy for a long time. Now I know where my gifts come from. God uses us to provide for each other. So if someone is giving something that helps others that is a gift from God. If I were to give someone free drugs at a party that is a curse, drugs do not help anyone. I am condemning them to guilt and suffering.

God placed me in a life and gave me the experiences to relate to those who reject society. I accept this challenge now. I know if I go help someone it is to show them love. If I am rejected I just continue to show them love. I get frustrated and want to give up sometimes but, I am not doing this for me.

People that already have food need something more. Once our bellies are fed then what? We praise God and go fill someone else's belly so they can experience the joy we have with a full tummy.

The same goes for the Word of God. If people see we are fat and happy in Jesus they will want some of that soul food too. The Holy Spirit will guide us and feed us. Jesus sent the Advocate to help us feed others with food for the body and love for the soul.

Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for the abundance of gifts you give your children to give to those in need. Let your Word overflow through us like a fountain quenching the thirst of those who we meet. Help us to always keep you first and remember we are nothing without the guidance of the Holy Spirit. I thank you in Jesus name, Amen. Thank you everyone being here. I love all you guys. WWJD for Life! 🥰

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