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Writer's pictureShawn-WWJD

Faith Abolishes Fear

Depression, anxiety, fear, loneliness, and whatever else effects our feelings are all a result of the lack of trust in God. It can also been combined with food that is not healthy for us.

I conquered the food part a while back. I do not eat poisoned ultra processed food stuffs or fast food. None of it is food in any way. It is all killings everyone slowly keeping the for profit medical industry super busy. When was the last time your doctor asked you about your food before they gave you a pill, steroid, or cream? They hand out surgeries like they are candy. Most surgeries are given out because of inflammation. Sugar and seed oils cause that. So does a multitude of other ingredients.

Once I got my physical body right I still had a fear of sorts and anxiety. I though too much about what I had done in that past that hurt people. I also thought too much of a future that is never going to happen. Freaking out about things God has already taken care of for me.

I will eat. I know this. God told me so. If I stray from his commands I will not eat. I have faith that I am taken care of. I know this by looking back at my life experiences. I no longer have fear of the future. God's will be done.

Living in guilt for things I did in the past is punishing myself over and over on the daily. I have repented. I have turned away from my life of sin. I am reborn. I am forgiven. I still ask for forgiveness from those I hurt on occasion when the time is right but, I am right with God. The guilt has been taken away.

Do you have faith the God's will be done? I know it for a fact. My faith abolishes fear now. The Bible is not some cute little moral story that we read on Christmas. It is all of the instruction for life we will ever need. Our entire existence is written from beginning to end.

Dear Heavenly Father, I pray that you will instill faith in our hearts. Thank you for your signs and wonders all around that give us evidence of your presence. Please help us keep our minds and hearts on the things of Jesus. I pray this in Jesus name, Amen.

Thank you everyone for being here. I love all you guys. WWJD For Life! 🥰


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