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Writer's pictureShawn-WWJD

Disciplined Disciples

Updated: Nov 6, 2024

Throughout my life I have had much mayhem and let my body control me. I was led by my feelings. There is an old saying I used to live by, "If it feels good, do it.". I think my life is an example of how that theology is broken.

If I follow my flesh I will chase the shinies. Chasing the shiny things gets very tiring. I get one and the next one is more lustrous so off I go. I let my emotions control me. Coming from experience this really sucks. It feels great in the moment but there is always hell to pay.

I had spurts of disciplined control growing up and then I had times of willy nilly. For me, in the end, the discipline stuck to me, thank God. Like I mentioned yesterday, I came up out the gutters, I thought on my own. I thrived in the 2008 GFC, I thought I was a BOSS. I was striving for worldly successes and thought I was in the drivers seat.

The race I was running was toward a finish line I created. I could move it whenever I wanted. I could change the rules. When I cheated in the past I never felt the joy of winning, just guilt. I was running a race that could be lost.

Once again, I gave it all to Jesus. I got very tired and knew the world was not the way. I surrendered my live to the fullest of my ability and let God handle the rest. God has instilled a new discipline in me, the desire to love. I can not love on my own or I will ruin it. I need the love of Jesus. I am slowly becoming one of the disciplined disciples.

I feel I have already received the prize. Everything about me has changed. I can not even recognize the person I was. I would have a tough time liking that old me. God has given me everything He promised me. I never have been happier and more at peace. Yeah, life gets me too, but, I let God have it. Let's just say this I stress less when I am running the race, living for Christ.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for giving us the desire to live for you. Thank you for the energy to continue to the end of this race. Help us to discipline ourselves in the Word so we may have the proper gear to help others run with us. Give us the desire to be righteous in you. I pray this in Jesus name, Amen.

Thank you everyone for being here. I love all you guys. WWJD for Life! 🥰

Man reading the Bible to other men.
Men disciple one another

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