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Writer's pictureShawn-WWJD

Crappy House

How can I start each day reminding myself of the hope I have because of God? How can I encourage others with this hope? (The call to action on Our Daily Bread today)

God has given us this body to use while we kick it on the Third Rock. We are able to use it how we want. Adam and Eve demanded knowledge thus corrupting the mind to be selfish. Sin had set it forever.

God gave us free will from the beginning. He wanted us to chose to love Him. God did not wish to make a bunch of obedient robots. He gave us creation and everything in it. all He wants in return is thanks and some obedience.

I bought a house in late 2019 thinking I was going to fix it up and flip it. It is in need of stuff. I knew that going into it. I had big vision and I got a deal. Then the Great Plandemic hit and I lost all of my work in Aspen. My crew got scattered and I was not 2 hours away from them.

Now I live in a dated house. I will not go to Aspen or Telluride anymore for regular work. So, I can no longer afford to remodel this house and if I did no one could afford to buy it or even get a loan at this time, rates are too high.

None of that bothers me at all. I now know how the real estate market works along with all of the other economic activity. My house keeps me warm and dry. I am provided for. I know I am only here for a minute anyway. I will be moving on some day. These temporary shelters God has given us wear out. This is our ride to the afterlife. Hopefully our bodies last long enough for us to fulfill our individual callings. I am extremely grateful for everything God has provided me. Especially this worn out house. Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for providing us all vehicles to deliver your love. Thank you for providing us everything we need until we come to see you. Guide our hearts and minds so we may not get wrapped up in this flesh and stone world. I thank you in Jesus name, Amen.

Thank you everyone being here. I love all you guys. WWJD for Life! 🥰

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