My entire life as a selfish individual I wished to be included. I would look from the outside and want to be a part of whatever what happening at the time. Sometimes my humor would get me into the club. Sometimes it was by ability to spend money. I had a good personality on the surface then I would fall apart.
For the most part I was never fully included in any group I was a part of. I wasted so much time, money, and energy chasing the approval of people who did not even love themselves.
it was about 2016 while I was still a drunk when I decided it was time. Time to quit trying to please people so they would accept me. I was never going to be included no matter what I did. So, now some years later I know I was chasing vapor. It was all imaginary.
Since I gave my heart fully to Christ and willingly chose to follow his commands I have been included in everything. Christianity is all inclusive. Gentiles went to worship Jesus the moment he was born.
Paul was to go out to preach to the Gentiles. Then a couple thousand years later the Gentiles would go preach the Gospel to the Jews. How Ironic is that? A gentile is all other nations and cultures not the Hebrew Jewish, The original Chosen.
Do you feel included in the family of Christ? I know I can walk into any real Christian church and have an instant family if I participate. It is much better than an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting because we have Jesus.
Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for including us gentiles in your promise you made to the Jews. Please help us to show love so the ultimately know we are on their side. Please help us show our gratitude in our walk and talk today. I pray this in Jesus name, Amen.
Thank you everyone for being here. I love all you guys. WWJD For Life! 🥰
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